Feb 28, 2011


Right now I'm making my laptop come to use .. I'm in love with smart objects (yes, laptops are really smart objects).
I open a million things on my laptop at the same time , and I appreciate that it handles all those tough things I do, But I still do like my laptop in every way ... I also like using my sister's laptop , I just check it while it's already open...
I just love the "opening" (didn't find another word to explain my meaning) I mean that there's a lot of brands to choose from :
Dell, Sony, Vaio, Toshiba, Apple and other kinds of laptops and electronics,

Feb 27, 2011

Popcorn !!

I love popcorn .. Just the thought of it makes me happy ! A movie and popcorn is a great deal ! Yesterday I was watching T.V and then came a commercial saying "Movies on Thursday and Friday, And don't forget your popcorn" . So then I went and told Mum I want popcorn and because I'm polite (Yes , I am :P) She told me call the market and get what you want ... Of course I wasn't going to ONLY buy popcorn , So I bought chips and well , some other things (That was for my sister ;) Not me ). So when the popcorn came I just ate a big bowl of it ... And it was really delicious (along with some salt YUMMYY !!) And that's it ... Lovely night , right ?!


And after :D

And that's while enjoying the treat ! :D
 Well , considering that the 2 previous posts were about eating healthy , I'm sorry for disturbing you :P But I read something (don't remember when and don't know if it's a fact) but anyhow, I read that popcorn keeps you fit in summer , we aren't in summer season but it's knocking on the doors right ;)  So stay eating healthy food , but you could break it with just a handful of popcorn ;)

Feb 26, 2011


In the previous post I talked about fruits , This time I'm going to talk about vegetables ...
As I said last time that healthy food is necessary to build a healthy body ...
I keep my word saying that every day you should eat something healthy to build a healthy body and an intelligent brain , Talking about myself I eat cucumber a lot (with vinegar ... Yummyy !!) and I also eat lots of strawberries and oranges ... Oh , and apples  .. But originally we're talking about vegetables ... And just so you don't worry we ALL eat vegetables when we eat PIZZA  !! But eating veges alone is way better !
So, again make sure to eat Veges , Fruits , Healthy food and make sure you exercise.

Now , What I don't like is Bell Peppers (not only Green)
As I mentioned before : Cucumber is my favorite with some vinegar on top

Feb 25, 2011


A person should have a healthy body , Eat healthy food and live a healthy life. Everyone has a different taste , Some people like Apples , some people like Bananas and some people don't like fruit at all (which is bad).
I like Oranges , Strawberries , Apples , Bananas and Grapes.
We should appreciate plants and trees ... Without them we wouldn't have Oranges, Apples , Bananas and all those other amazing and healthy fruits and food

I don't really like Tomatoes , but I like them on mini-pizzas

I like Oranges

I like Strawberries

I like Apples
So, at least you have to eat fruits or even vegetables each day to become healthy.

Feb 24, 2011


Light is the most important thing ... Imagine a life without lights and electricity ... We wouldn't/couldn't live without light everywhere !
So we have to ensure that we appreciate everything around us ! Cause without these things that AMAZING people invented we wouldn't live a happy life ... Cause life just is easy the way it is !
The uses of light are a lot even sunlight is great ! Sunlight is actually AMAZING ! You can't imagine how much I really love looking at the sun and walking in the sunlight !
I myself get actually a little "excited" when the light goes out but I still appreciate that the world is bright when the light comes back !
There's no better or greater than light ! And nothing more amazing than sunlight and the SUN itself :D
So , eventually my advice to everyone reading this post is that you would really appreciate light all around you and just save the light and electricity in your own house so that other people would also have light and electricity in their house and don't keep the light on if your not using it or if you don't need it that much cause some people don't have electricity in their homes and maybe with you doing those simple stuff like closing the light in a room where no on is in maybe by doing that you would help in getting electricity in a person's house :)


Feb 23, 2011


OK ... The following things I'm going to say probably passed by you a lot !
1st : You were so stressed because you had to hurry that you forgot to take something important you had to take with you
2nd : You had to 1-Shower , 2-Get dressed , 3-Get your bag , 4-Make sure you didn't forget anything and you have to do that in only 2 minutes !!
3rd : You were sitting with your best friend and enjoying your time and feeling that you could stay like that for days , suddenly you receive a phone call saying "It's time to go home"
4th : Due to traffic and rush hours you were late for something important

So if you haven't noticed yet .. Time is something really important .. You have to consider it in everything you do !
So no matter what it is time has something to do with it so keep an eye on the clock while your doing thingsand make sure that you always carry your watch around ;)

Feb 22, 2011


One thing I absolutely can't live without (besides my Blackberry) is my T.V !
I just can't live without those episodes each and everyday .. Those movies that entertain me from day till night and each time I see them even if I saw them a million times before I still laugh a lot ...
Plus the news ! We know everything the moment it happens while we're just sitting at home relaxing and having a nice drink ...
So seriously ... Who doesn't LOVE his/her T.V ?!

Feb 21, 2011

Shoes !!

OK , who doesn't  absolutely LOVE shoes !?!
Different sizes , different colors , different brands , different ages , even for different people !
There are babies that have those tiny little shoes qhich always look really adorable !
Then other people in a lot of ages where "converse" and "vans"
I just discovered a new kind of shoes called "Uggs"
You're probably thinking HUH but ya , I'm sure they're called Uggs

I like Gladiators

I like Converse
I lie High Heels
I like Boots !

I like half boots
I even like comfy home slippers :)

Feb 20, 2011


Today was really windy ... I went walking on the beach and believe me I'm lucky I'm still here and I didn't fly away ... Seriously it was SO windy and I couldn't even walk cause the wind was stopping me !
Each winter season I wish that spring or summer could come ... I always miss wearing a SMALL amount of clothes instead of wearing the whole wardrobe ... I always miss the weather ! Because I really L.O.V.E the sun

So when I was walking today on the beach I realized , I wish Spring came and life would be warm again .. I wish I could swim in the pool and splash water in the beach ! Wouldn't these memories be great if we were able to re-live them
I just wish Spring would knock on our doors and I myself would welcome it !

Feb 19, 2011


Riddles just make me literally roll on the floor laughing ! I just can't control myself .. The moment I hear anything I just laugh ! But some riddles just make me stand still and stare .. Thinking is that a real riddle or is this a silly joke !! But I just like to laugh even if it's not that good !

Riddles , jokes , brain teasers .. Well brain teasers make me think a LONG while .. And I really never give up unless I know I've tried figuring the joke or riddle out ... That's what I also like about riddles , jokes and brain teasers .. Not that they make me laugh but also that I use my brain thinking about them ... Which makes them also useful not only entertaining !

Feb 18, 2011


 "A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words"
So, pictures are like the best thing in someone's life ... When you get a photo album and keep all your pictures of your loved ones or pictures of your past or even pictures of your best friends ... That's when those photos come to use ... It's because every single time you take a minute to open the photo album and take a moment to remember each photo and the day it was taken in .. That's worth a lot .. Those memories are what keeps life wonderful as it is ...

I myself have to make sure everyday that I have my camera with me everyday so that I can take all the pictures that I can take during my day ... So I could remember this day every time I look at the picture.

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